This notice explains how we collect, use and store personal information. Your privacy and personal information are important to us and we are committed to keeping it protected. We’ve tried to make this notice as clear and transparent as possible, so you are confident about how we use your information. As data controller, we are responsible for decisions about how your information will be processed and managed. 

You will also find details below regarding your rights under data protection laws and how to contact us.

When we refer to “we”, “us” and “our” in this notice it means Home and Legacy Insurance Services Limited. When we say “you” and “your” and “individuals” in this notice, we mean anyone whose personal information we may collect, including:

  • anyone seeking an insurance quote from us or whose details are provided during the quotation process
  • policyholders and anyone named on or covered by the policy
  • anyone who may benefit from or be directly involved in the policy or a claim, including claimants and witnesses
  • anyone who has a business relationship or transacts business with us or provides us with a service, such as the insurers who underwrite your cover, insurance brokers and intermediaries. 

We use personal information in the following ways:

  • to provide quotes, administer policies and policyholder claims to fulfil our contract
  • to administer third party claims, deal with complaints and prevent financial crime to meet our legal obligations
  • to send marketing information about our products and services if we have received your specific consent.


We also use personal information for the legitimate needs of our business. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • managing our business
  • conducting market research and enhancing customer service
  • managing our relationships with business partners
  • developing and improving our administration, security services and insurance applications
  • providing a service that keeps our customers and suppliers safe by identifying vulnerability to better meet their needs
  • For the purposes of fraud detection and prevention

There is no obligation to provide us with personal information, but we cannot provide our products and services without it.

Anyone whose personal information we hold has the right to object to us using it. They can do this at any time by telling us and we will consider the request and either stop using their personal information or explain why we are not able to. Further details can be found below.

We may use automated decision making, including profiling, to assess insurance risks, detect fraud, and administer your policy. This helps us decide whether to offer insurance, determine prices and validate claims.

Anyone subject to an automated decision has the right to object to it. To do so please contact us using the details in Section 9:  Know Your Rights and we will review the decision.

The information we collect will depend on our relationship with you. We collect the following types of personal information so we can complete the activities in Section 2: How We Use Personal Information:

  • basic personal details such as name, age, contact details and gender
  • family, lifestyle and social circumstances, such as marital status, dependants and employment type
  • financial details such as direct debit or payment card information
  • photographs and/or video, including surveillance to help us manage policies and assess claims
  • tracking and location information if it is relevant to the insurance policy or claim
  • identification checks and background insurance risk details including previous claims information
  • information collected from your devices relating to your use of our websites, including via the use of cookies (see Section 5 Where we collect personal information below)
  • accessibility details if we need to make reasonable adjustments to help
  • business activities if it is relevant to the insurance policy or claim. 

In certain circumstances, we may request and/or receive special category or sensitive information about you. We would only collect this information if it is relevant to the insurance policy or claim or where it is necessary for a legal obligation:

  • your current or former physical or mental health
  • criminal offences, including alleged offences, criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences (previous criminal convictions, bankruptcies and other financial sanctions such as County Court Judgements)
  • data relating to children in some circumstances, for example where the child is a beneficiary under a policy or if involved in a claim.

We collect personal information direct from individuals, their representatives or from information they have made public, for example, on social media.

We also collect personal information from other persons or organisations, for example:

  • credit reference and/or fraud prevention agencies
  • emergency services, law enforcement agencies, medical and legal practices
  • insurance industry registers and databases used to detect and prevent insurance fraud, for example the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE)
  • insurance investigators and claims service providers
  • insurers or service providers who underwrite the insurance or provide the services for our products
  • other involved parties, for example, claimants, witnesses or business partners.

Cookies and similar technologies

We use technology on our website, apps and emails, such as the use of cookies or small text files on our website or pixels within emails. We use cookies and similar technologies in order to:

  • provide online services
  • enhance your online experience
  • help prevent fraud
  • enhance online security of your data
  • deliver content when you are browsing elsewhere
  • help us understand how our website, apps and emails can be improved.

We don't store any contact details or banking information.

Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more details and to manage your cookie preferences.

We only share your information when necessary for the purposes stated in Section 2: How We Use Personal Information. 

We may share personal information with:

  • other companies within the global Allianz Group (visit for more details) 
  • credit reference, fraud prevention and other agencies that carry out certain activities on our behalf, for example the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) 
  • our approved suppliers to help deal with claims or to provide and manage our services, for example, vehicle repairers, legal advisors, loss adjusters, premium finance companies and risk surveyors
  • insurers, third party underwriters, reinsurers, insurance intermediaries, regulators, law enforcement and the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS); and other organisations that provide services to us or you, for example, the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) 
  • providers of data services and data analysts who support us with developing our products and enhancing customer service and experience
  • external agencies for market research purposes
  • third parties in connection with the sale, transfer or disposal of our business.

We, or third parties acting on our behalf, may need to transfer personal information outside of the UK. In such cases as this is necessary, we shall ensure that any transfer of personal information has adequate safeguards in place to protect your data and privacy rights. Where we transfer to suppliers outside the UK, we ensure that contractual obligations are put in place to maintain the equivalent levels of data protection as we would administer. 

For more information about data transfers and the safeguards we have in place, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details in Section 10 below. 

We keep information only for as long as we need it to administer the policy, manage our business or as required by law or contract.

Any individual whose personal information we hold has the following rights (data subject rights) in relation to how that information is held or processed by us:

  • The right to object – individuals can object to us processing their data and we will either agree to stop processing or explain why we are unable to
  • The right of access – individuals can request a copy of their personal information we hold, subject to certain exemptions (a subject access request)
  • The right of rectification – individuals can ask us to update or correct their personal information to ensure its accuracy
  • The right to erasure – individuals can ask us to delete their personal information from our records if it is no longer needed for the original purpose
  • The right of restriction – individuals can ask us to restrict the processing of their personal information in certain circumstances
  • The right to data portability – individuals can ask for a copy of their personal information, so it can be used for their own purposes
  • The right to withdraw consent – individuals can ask us, at any time, to stop processing their personal information, if the processing is based only on individual consent
  • The right to make a complaint – individuals can complain if they feel their personal information has been mishandled. We encourage individuals to come to us in the first instance but they are entitled to complain directly to the  Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

If you wish to exercise any of these rights you can do so by contacting the Allianz Data Team.


Phone: 020 8231 3992 



Home and Legacy Insurance Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz Holdings plc 

Any queries about how we use personal information should be addressed to our Data Protection Officer:


Phone: 0330 102 1837


Data Protection Officer


57 Ladymead


Surrey GU1 1DB

This Privacy Notice was last updated in March 2023.

Occasionally it may be necessary to make changes to this notice. When that happens, we will provide an updated version at the earliest opportunity. The most recent version of our Privacy Notice will always be available on our website.

The Allianz Privacy Standard provides you with information on the rules governing the international transfer of personal data between Allianz Group companies operating in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Allianz Group companies outside that area. The Allianz Privacy Standard also describes your rights in respect of such transfers, what to do if you want to exercise your rights or complain about such transfers, and how to contact us.

The latest Allianz Privacy Standard can be found at

Home & Legacy Insurance Services Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz Holdings plc and is registered in England number 3007252. Registered office: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB. Home & Legacy Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register number is 307523. Please note that telephone calls may be recorded for training and/or monitoring purposes.